Ramp Safety

While there are a number of options for creating a stepless entrance to a home, office, or facility, including landscaped entrances and lifts, ramps are usually the least expensive, least invasive, and most flexible solution for rises of 30" or less. A properly installed ramp is as safe as any other option, and sometimes even safer.

Common Ramp Configurations

Common Ramp Configurations: straight ramps, L-shaped ramps, U-shaped ramps, and switchback ramps

Proper Design

Ramps must be designed with the appropriate inclination to be safe and useful. A steep ramp can defeat the purpose of providing a stepless entrance, and actually be more restrictive than steps. Therefore, a maximimum inclination of no greater than 1:12 is recommended. This means that for every inch of rise, 12" or 1 foot of ramp is required. For maximium safety, an inclination ratio of 1:16 is desirable for your ramp where it can be accommodated.

There are a number of ramp configurations that can be used to attain the appropriate inclination ratio in as little space as possible, including straight, L-shaped, switch back, and U-shaped. Many ramp configurations feature one or more landings, usually at turns in the ramp configuration. These landings should be no less than 5 feet square.

Construction & Materials Quality

Even the best, most well-thought out ramp design can fail or even be dangerous without solid construction and a careful selection of the right materials. Aluminum ramps or wood ramps can be used provided the materials are gauged for the right strength and treated properly to withstand the environment.

Particularly in New Jersey, where the climate is often moist, then dry, and where temperatures can range greatly, consideration for the climate must be taken into account when selecting the design, construction, and materials of your ramp.

Finding the Right Company or Contractor

While it may be tempting to go to a contractor to have a ramp built for you, or to build the ramp yourself, there are a number of advantages to using a professional company that specializes in mobility and accessibility. Safety is the primary reason for using a professional accessibility/mobility products company. Experience in the industry and in installing mobility devices in many settings is invaluable. In addition, professionals can guide to the correct product / configuration / installation strategy, and most likely install the product far more efficiently — and therefore inexpensively. If you are looking for a modular ramp that is attractive, safe, and easy-to-maintain anywhere in the New Jersey area, our recommendation is to use a professional ramp company.

How to Improve the Aesthetics of Your Ramp

Ramps that look unattractive can devalue a home or office on the market place by detracting from the curb appeal of the property. The first step to ensuring this does not happen is to select a professionally designed modular ramp, and have it installed by a company that specializes in ramps or mobility and accessibility. A professional ramp will go a long way toward making the ramp an asset that can actually increase the value of your property in some cases.

Other strategies for making your ramp look as good as possible is to pick a ramp that matches the style of the property. Some locations may be appropriate for aluminum ramps, while others may benefit more from wood ramps.
